In BWB Partners we are committed to promoting sustainability. We seek to make a positive contribution to society by promoting long term sustainable growth. We integrate sustainability factors and risks in the investment processes as well as the ongoing management processes.
See the policy on integration of sustainability risks here
Our Ethical Policy is based on the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI). We have an investment exclusion policy in place excluding controversial sectors from our investment scope.
Sustainability in our Operating Model
The BWB Partners Operating Model covers the period from deal sourcing until BWB exit and constitutes the framework for identification, execution and monitoring of value creating initiatives. Sustainability has been formally integrated into this framework. A target company’s sustainable practices are evaluated as part of the due diligence process where lack of sustainability may lead BWB Partners to disregard an investment solely on this ground. After acquiring a company, we continuously work to develop and improve the sustainability structures and processes as part of our Operating Model.
Principal Adverse Impact Statement
The main objective for BWB Partners is to create stronger, bigger and better companies through active ownership. We are committed to the highest degree of business conduct including the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.
BWB Partners always act in the best interest of investors when investing, managing and existing investments. We adhere to UN Global Compact and considers the principal adverse impact on sustainability factors both when screening for new investments opportunities and throughout BWB ownership.
BWB Partners remuneration policy aims to ensure that sustainability risks are included in the overall risk parameters for remuneration. Furthermore, the remuneration policy aims to prevent financial incentives for excessive risk-taking with respect to sustainability risks, which may lead to adverse negative consequences for the return to our investors.